Network marketing is not as tough as you think, but doing what most people do (i.e. buying mlm leads and cold calling people) is not easy.
Well, Let me explain why network marketing has a notorious failure rate of more than 95%...
Most network marketers flop due to their marketing method. They were taught on method which does not work 95% or more of the time. And your next logical question must be 'what are the method that most network marketers adopt?' Personally, I have my reservations using this method which require network marketers to buy mlm leads and cold call people.
Sounds familiar? I won't say this method does not work at all. It works well only for a certain group of people. Unless you are very good at cold calling or a natural born confident sales person, I advise you not to do it.
What happens to most people who was led to buying mlm leads, pumping in hundreds and thousands of dollars, but getting very little success after months of effort? They get burned out, run out of money and give up. The type of mlm leads network marketers buy is another factor contributing to why most network marketers fail. Usually, the mlm leads most new network marketers use are generic. They are generic in the sense they are enticed by the caption of making money from home and attain financial freedom. And that does not mean they are interested to join the mlm business.
When the average network marketers call these generic mlm leads who have no idea of mlm business, they are going to hear a lot of "NOs". Imagine their morale and motivation slowly saps away from all those negative response! For any network marketers, this lead to self doubt about their own ability and mlm business. Negative feelings begin to harbour and eventually the network marketers give up in less than 6 months.
Many fledging network marketers' perception of their mlm business goes from one of unlimited hopefulness to one of complete negativity and condemnation after experiencing the reality, believing there is little hope in this business and themselves. That explains why 95% of network marketers fail.
MLM Leads - "Why Do Most Network Marketers Fail?"
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